Character Bio: Roy

Character Intro:

Roy of the Black Axe

He's not a River Dwarf or one of those fancy be-suited dwarfs you might see in Morpork, no, Roy is an Axe Dwarf (with an 'e,' which in his language means the same thing as in ours). Axe Dwarves are given axes when they are small and hairless. Which, you'd think, would lead to more digit-less dwarves but, no, even when they use them to teethe, the baby dwarves make it to teen-hood with all their fingers and most of their toes. 

The axes are so sharp dwarves, both male and female, could shave their faces with them.

If they ever shaved.

Most dwarves have beards so big they end at the eyebrows. The River dwarves wrap braids with seaweed. Desert dwarves, for dwarves are a very adaptable species - as long as there's dirt, the will dig into it - Desert Dwarves comb their beards straight out to the sides to capture any extra water. Unfortunately, there aren't any Desert Dwarves in A Door in the Woods as the author just thought of them. How they eat without snacking on their mustache is a well guarded secret.

 He likes to think he's the leader, and his experience fighting The Brue means be could be. But, under all that hair, his skin is too thin and it's easy to needle him into getting him exasperated. Sometimes Marian and Audrey do it just for fun.